March 25, 2017

Havynta #3 Waterpumps

This is the gathering of loneliness and darkness, sounds are getting mix in “NOWEHRE” the place idft records, where the roof’s footsteps sound mention things living with you, and sometimes you wake up when you didn’t sleep before.

These series are prepared not only in moods but compatibility, the genre doesn’t play role here, but for newcomers it’s mostly ambient and soundscapes.

اینجا پیوند تنهایی و تاریکی است. جایی که صدای پا روی سقف یادآور این است که شما تنها نیستید و جایی که وقتی از خواب بیدار می شوی خواب نبودی.
این سومین قسمت سری میکس هوینتا از idft است. 


Stream on

00:00:00 Halgrath - Epic Journey and Oblivion
00:03:43 Cities Last Broadcast - Glossolalia 
00:10:20 Sleep Research Facility - Stealth 5
00:22:08 Steve Roach - Void Memory Four 
00:27:39 Tomas Köner - Teimo
00:32:21 Raison D Etre - Flowers Made Of Snow
00:38:18 Shrine - Atomgrad
00:45:15 In Slaughter Natives - Plague Walk My Earth
00:54:39 Northaunt - Barren Land